Freitag, 26.04.2024 00:00 Uhr

Education under attack

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome, 09.09.2020, 18:06 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Politik +++ Bericht 8173x gelesen

Rome [ENA] Undiminished attacks on children continue around the world, as warring parties ignore one of the most basic rules of war: the protection of children. The prolonged nature of conflicts today is affecting the futures of entire generations of children. A generation of children living in conflict will grow up without the skills they need to contribute to their countries and economies, worsening the already desperate

situation for millions of children and their families. International days are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity. In proclaiming the International Day to Protect Education from Attack to be celebrated for the first time in 2020, the UN is sending a vibrant message concerning the importance of defending schools as places of protection and safety for students and educators and the need to keep education at the top of the public agenda.

This remains a priority while governments continue to struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic that has led to school closures for more than 90% of the world’s student population. The day was established by a unanimous decision of the UN General Assembly, calling on UNESCO and UNICEF to raise awareness of the dilemma of millions of children living in countries affected by conflict. The resolution proclaiming the Day was presented by the State of Qatar and co-sponsored by 62 countries. UNESCO and UNICEF will facilitate the annual observance of the Day in close collaboration with partners within and outside the UN system.

Working on the frontlines in conflict-affected countries, the UN bodies have long assisted Member States in strengthening their capacity to provide access to quality educational opportunities for all in times of crisis The General Assembly with resolution A/RES/74/275 proclaimed the International Day to Protect Education from Attack . The Resolution affirms that governments have the most important responsibility to provide protection and ensure wide-ranging and equitable quality education at all levels to all learners, particularly those in defenseless situations.

The United Nations emphasized the need to take steps to achieve the fulfilment of the right to education for all children and to take all feasible measures to protect schools from attacks. In situations of armed conflict, the Resolution asks to the warring parties to refrain from actions that hinder children’s access to education, facilitating access to education in armed conflict. There’s more and more the need to intensify efforts and increase funding to promote safe and protective school environments in humanitarian emergencies. A child’s right to education cannot be safeguarded in conflict zones without education itself being protected. Education can be a life-saver.

Out of school, children are easy targets of abuse, exploitation and recruitment by armed forces and groups. School should provide a safe space where children can live protected from threats and crises. It is also a critical step to breaking the cycle of crisis and reduces the probability of future conflicts.The Day draws attention to more than 75 million 3-to-18-year-olds living in 35 crisis-affected countries and to their urgent need of educational support. The effects of continued violence on these children and their ability to access education are terrible and the consequences require special attention beyond the needs of learners whose establishments were temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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